Bala Cynwyd 610-664-6464

Feasterville 215-355-2700


Bala Cynwyd 610-664-6464

Feasterville 215-355-2700

Radnor 484-840-4500

Free 30 Day Trial

Pilates Reformer – Hollywood A-Listers’ Go-To Exercise To Get Lean

When you first try a Pilates Reformer workout it feels a little bit awkward of an exercise, but you quickly learn why Reformer Pilates (or reversed, Pilates Reformer) is the exercise that Hollywood models and celebrities use as their go-to method to keep their bodies long and lean. And lucky for you it’s taught by some of the best instructors in the country right here in Philadelphia at AFC Fitness!

Comparing Pilates Reformer and mat-based Pilates

With the acceptance of mat-based Pilates classes as the typical starting point for most who enter the Pilates practice, it’s easy to see why so many people never even try a Pilates Reformer class. But doing a mat Pilates class can be limiting and often too demanding for a beginner because core muscles are not developed enough to do the exercises correctly. Pilate Reformer on the other hand allows students to fully participate in the Pilates method by switching between a mat and reformer equipment to maximize results.

Why is Pilates Reformer effective?

A Pilates Reformer workout is effective at delivering a full-body routine because the steady resistance of coil tension on a moving platform keeps the whole body involved and working through full ranges of movement. The Reformer equipment works like an instructor itself by helping your body get into the right pose to ensure you’re working the muscles correctly. On the other hand, it definitely lets you know if you’re not concentrating and doing the right actions! What other fitness equipment can do that?

Pilates Reformer is popular with models and celebrities

Pilates goes hand-in-hand with the long, lean dancers’ form desired by Hollywood. The purpose and design of a Pilates Reformer machine helps you to achieve this shape -lean, long and a strong core because you are in charge of every movement of your body. From the push or pull of the platform against the coil, to the constant pose required to maintain a position, you will exercise the length of muscles to increase strength, improve tone and flexibility.
Read more and sign up for a free intro class here!

Take a short survey here. Let us know which days and times of day you are most interested in taking a Pilates Reformer class.